الأحد، 15 مايو 2016

Big Data in Healthcare Sector

Big data is a new generation of technologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data produced every day, by enabling high velocity capture, discovery, and analysis. It is a buzzword making rounds in almost all the industries. And, it is acted as a source of innovation in healthcare sector and it is increased with the vastly increase supply of information. These big data in healthcare sector comes from different sources such as electronic medical records (EHR), labs, Imaging systems, medical correspondence, claims, database system and finance. And its volume is expected to grow dramatically in the years ahead. The value of big data in healthcare sector is not just in dollars, but in lives. There are five value pathways in big data which are: right living which focus on encouraging patient to make lifestyle choices that help them remain healthy such as exercise, right care which ensuring that the patient having the right and appropriate treatment, right provider, this pathway proposes that patients always treated by high performing professionals, right value focusing in measures for ensuring cost effectiveness of care also, providers should enhance the health care value and improve its quality, the last pathway is right innovation involve approaches to delivering care and improving innovation. Finally, big data has the future of success when it comes with a prepared plan. 

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